The County’s printing press is in the brink of shutting down in Farmville 2 Don’t Stop The Presses Quests. They are planning to shutdown it down because of shortness of fund. We need to help them raise enough fund to maintain it in this Farmville 2 Quests. This mission is expected to roll out this Tuesday (December 26th).
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 1: Farmville 2 A Press-ing Matter!
- Perform 5 helpful actions on Neighbor Farms.
- Collect 15 Water.
- Fertilize 15 Guarana Berry.
30 xp
350 coins
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 2: Farmville 2 Just Roll With It!
- Get 5 Ink Rollers.
- Feed 45 Adult Goat.
- Make 4 Eggshell Glaze.
40 xp
450 coins
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 3: Farmville 2 Think Fig!
- Harvest 3 Fig Tree.
- Feed 6 Adult Horse.
- Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Cave Exploring job.
50 xp
550 coins
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 4: Farmville 2 Mould And Beautiful!
- Get 5 Chocolate Moulds.
- Gather 20 Power.
- Make 6 Fig Filling.
60 xp
650 coins
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 5: Farmville 2 Raisin to the Challenge!
- Gather 15 Clotted Cream.
- Harvest 4 Pine Tree.
- Make 3 Chocolate Covered Raisins.
70 xp
750 coins
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 6: Farmville 2 A Case for a Basket!
- Feed 4 Adult Chinchilla.
- Make 5 Papyrus Basket.
- Make 3 Appple-y Ever After.
80 xp
850 coins
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 7: Farmville 2 Put a Bell on It!
- Collect 5 Bicycle Bell.
- Feed 3 Adult Alpaca.
- Go Fishing 5 times.
90 xp
950 coins
Don’t Stop The Presses Quests 8: Farmville 2 Piece of Pie!
- Harvest 30 Strawberry.
- Tend your Fertilizer Bin 2 times.
- Make 4 Strawberry Yogurt Pie.
110 xp
1150 coins
In case you will need a guide for the Kitchen Recipes, we have one HERE.
You can also find a guide for the Workshop Recipes HERE.