Farmville 2 Rabbit Ear Irises and More!

Farmville 2 Rabbit Ear Iris is the newest limited time crop that will be added soon in the game. You can plant, harvest and master this new crop  up to blue ribbon mastery. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees including the Partridge Chantecler Chicken, Purple Robe Locust Trees and more! The Rabbit Ear Iris is available on November 7th.

Rabbit Ear Iris and More!



Rabbit Ear Iris

Rabbit Ear Iris



Jacob Ram

Jacob Ram


Partridge Chantecler Chicken

Partridge Chantecler Chicken


Bond Ram

Bond Ram


Bond Sheep

Bond Sheep


Hog Island Ram

Hog Island Ram



Himalayan Hemlock Tree

Himalayan Hemlock Tree


Northern Pie Apple Tree

Northern Pie Apple Tree


Purple Robe Locust Tree

Purple Robe Locust Tree

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One thought on “Farmville 2 Rabbit Ear Irises and More!

  1. I wish you would return the “Bagot Goat” …

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