Farmville 2 Turquoise Ixia is the newest crop that will be added in the game this November. You can plant, harvest this new limited time crop up to Blue Ribbon. Also incldued on this release are a new batch of limited edition animals and trees. Included on this release are the Congo Peacock, Balearic Donkey, Grey Fjord Horse, Collared Brush Turkey, Mora Tree, Cherry Mahogany and more! They should be in the market on Monday (November 27th).
Turquoise Ixia
Balearic Donkey
Grey Fjord Horse
Congo Peacock
Collared Brush Turkey
Squaw Apple Tree
Cherry Mahogany Tree
Mora Tree
- Spiced Squaw Apples
- Cherry Mahogany Butter
- Vibrant Ixia Centerpiece
- Squaw Apple Crisp
- Makore Oil
- Silky Ixia Wreath