Farmville 2 Shrubby Cinquefoil and More!

Take a look at the new limited time crop Farmville 2 Shrubby Cinquefoil which will be added in the game this May. Plant, harvest and master this new crop up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees. Among that will be included are the Carinthian Blondvieh Cow, Valdostana Goat, White Mouflon Sheep, Slow Match Tree and more. You can expect these new items to become available on Monday June 8th.


Shrubby Cinquefoil




Carinthian Blondvieh Cow


Valdostana Goat


Valdostana Goat


White Mouflon Sheep




Slow Match Tree


Jungle Jack Tree


Catechu Tree




  1. Catechu Paste
  2. Jungle Jack Fritters
  3. Jungle Jack Cupcakes
  4. Cinquefoil Lantern
  5. Catechu Hair Dye

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