Farmville 2 Winter Jasmin Crops and More!

Farmville 2 is releasing a new set of limited edition items that will feature the Winter Jasmin crops plus new animals and trees. They will be available for a period of time starting on January 19, 2015. We have a preview of the items that will be included on this future release and they are as follows:

Winter Jasmin Limted Edition Crops


White Jasmin

White Jasmin



Baladi Cow

Baladi Cow


Russet Catalan Donkey

Russet Catalan Donkey


Himalayan Monal Pheasant

Himalayan Monal Pheasant




Calamondin Tree

Calamondin Tree


Eureka Variegated Pink Lemon

Eureka Variegated Pink Lemon


Yulan Magnolia Tree

Yulan Magnolia Tree

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