Our mission to help the migrating turtles continues in Farmville 2 Turtley Eggciting Week 4. This will be the final week for this edition of Farmville 2 Quests and from what it looks we are going to have our hands full but this guide will help you prepare for it. We will show you here the tasks that we are going to complete so that you can prepare ahead once they are released on Tuesday.
Turtley Eggciting! Week 4 Quests 1: Farmville 2 That Sinking Feeling
- Make 4 Rope Winch to pull the boat to shore.
- Feed 5 Adult Donkey. We’ll need the extra rope.
- Make 2 Turtle Stepping Stone.
Turtley Eggciting! Week 4 Quests 2: Farmville 2 Grasping at Strawberries
- Collect 5 Turtle Snack to attract more turtles!
- Harvest 30 Strawberry.
- Make 4 Strawberries And Clotted Cream for the visitors.
Turtley Eggciting! Week 4 Quests 3: Farmville 2 Benefit of the Drought
- Build a Starting Gate for the Turtle Races.
- Make 3 Rubber Tire to divert the river.
- Make 6 Cranberry Muffin for a burst of energy!
Turtley Eggciting! Week 4 Quests 4: Farmville 2 Eggs-amination Time
- Tend your Yogurt Creamery 3 times.
- Collect 8 Horseshoe.
- Make 4 Hand Mirror to check underneath the eggs.
Pier Pressure Week 4 Bonus Quests: Farmville 2 Things Are Shelldom as They Seem
- Get 15 Turtle Aquarium for stray hatchlings.
- Make 20 Egg Holder.
- Make 17 Blue Rubber Glove to handle the eggs.
turtle eggicitng week quest is exciting. I enjoy playing it.
I enjoy playing farmville2.it happens to me as routine.i like the turtle quest also.