Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest

Zynga and Farmville 2 will be releasing the Farmville 2 Bee All you Can Bee Quests this week. And along with the release of this Farmville 2 Quest will be the new building the Bee Box. The bees as they claim will be like a fertilizer, it will increase the produce of crops. So start saving those honey and prepare for the coming of Bee Box.

Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 1: Buzz On!

Blooming flowers bring happy bees. Every farmer should know about bees!


Have a Bee Box on your Farm to build buzz!

Harvest 15 Flower crops. Bees like them all!

Harvest 5 Trees on your farm. Some might have flowers too.


20 xp, 400 coins


Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 2: Bee Yourself

Bees can do all kinds of amazing things for such a tiny creature.


Collect 5 Bee Compasses. A bee can always find the hive.

Harvest 15 Pumpkins. Practice growing big ones for the County Fair.

Make 1 Orange Yarn Flower Bouquet. Show bees you also like flowers.


20 xp, 400 coins

Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 3: This Place is Buzzing!

Beekeepers use tricks to make sure the bees don’t sting. It’s important!


Have a finished Bee Box so the bees can move in.

Tend your Furnace 1 time. The smoke from that fire will calm the bees.

Make 2 Porcelain Mugs, as long as you have that extra Power. 


20 xp, 400 coins


Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 4: Shake It Like a Bee

Bees communicate through wiggling dances. What does your dancing say?


Collect 5 Bee Dance Cards. Saying everything with a dance isn’t as easy as it looks! 

Tend your Bee Box 1 time, and make sure your bees are happy.

Feed 2 Adult Horses, and shoo them away from the bees.


20 xp, 400 coins


Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 5: To Bee or Not To Bee

Bees make crops grow better! They increase your yield just like Fertilizer!


Harvest 20 Flower crops to keep those bees buzzing! 

Tend your Hen House 1 time. Make sure no bees fly in there.

Make 2 Sunflower Pots. Bees like those decorations. 


20 xp, 400 coins


Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 6: Bee Kind

Bees use all that flower Pollen to make honey! I love Bees!


Tend your Bee Box 1 time, and stay current on Bee events.

Make 4 Strawberry Lemonades for thirsty beekeepers like us.

Feed 2 Adult Cows. They’ll swish the bees away with their tails. 


20 xp, 400 coins


Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 7: Getting From Hay to Bee

After talking about Bees so much, I admit I’m really craving Honey.


Collect 5 Honey Dippers to sample the honey you find.

Harvest 30 Watermelon Radishes, while you can.

Make 3 Watermelon Radish Bites. I might bite one. 


20 xp, 400 coins


Farmville 2 Bee All You Can Bee Quest 8: You Bee Long Here

Walter says Bee Hives increase crop yield as much as Fertilizer.


Use Bee Hive on your farm. You’ll be amazed!

Use 4 Farm Hands on your Farm. Let your friends see what Bees can do!

Harvest 30 Flower crops. Bees like them all! 


20 xp, 400 coins

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