Farmville2 Water 50 pks Daily (November 30th 2022)

Find here a new collection of latest batch of items (November 30th) available in Farmville2 which can help you grow your crop or a tree and get them ready for harvesting. In this batch you may also find various exclusive in game items that may share with your friends and use them when playing the […]
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Farmville2 Daily Water x5 (July 1st 2022)

Find here a new collection of latest batch of items (July 1st) available in Farmville2 which can help you grow your crop or a tree and get them ready for harvesting. In this batch you may also find various exclusive in game items that may share with your friends and use them when playing the […]
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Farmville2 Water 50 pks Daily (May 9th 2022)

Here’s a new collection of latest batch of items (May 9th) available in Farmville2 which can help you grow your crop or a tree and get them ready for harvesting. In this batch you may also find various exclusive in game items that may share with your friends and use them when playing the game. […]
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Farmville2 Water 50 pks Daily (April 25th 2022)

Here’s a new collection of latest batch of items (April 25th) available in Farmville2 which can help you grow your crop or a tree and get them ready for harvesting. In this batch you may also find various exclusive in game items that may share with your friends and use them when playing the game. […]
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Farmville2 Water 50 pks Daily (April 8th 2022)

Check these latest batch of items (April 8th) available in Farmville2 which can help you grow your crop or a tree and get them ready for harvesting. In this batch you may also find various exclusive in game items that may share with your friends and use them when playing the game. There’s also get […]
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Farmville2 Water 50 pks Daily (March 22 2021)

Check these latest batch of items (March 22) available in Farmville2 which can help you grow your crop or a tree and get them ready for harvesting. In this batch you may also find various exclusive in game items that may share with your friends and use them when playing the game. There’s also get […]
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