A winter storm has just struck and we are going to help rebuild in Farmville 2 After the Storm Quests. The storm wreck havoc and it completely wiped out the harvest and damaged some of the buildings. We also going to help a baby otter who is trap on your farm. This Farmville 2 Quest will have 8 stage and will start Tuesday, November 25.
Some of the tasks especially on Quest 3 and Quest 7 will vary and differ from other players. The number or quantity of the quest being asked may also vary depending on the level of the player, number of neighbors etc.
After the Storm Quests 1: Farmville 2 At Storm’s End
- Have an Otter Slide on your farm.
- Feed 2 Adult Goat.
- Water 20 Red Cabbage.
30 xp
300 coins
After the Storm Quests 2: Farmville 2 Runaway Steed
- Collect 5 Vintage Spotlight to search the woods.
- Feed 3 Adult Chicken.
- Make 2 Produce Tote to hold some apples for Blaze.
35 xp
350 coins
After the Storm Quests 3: Farmville 2 A Little to the Left
- Use 3 Farm Hand to clean up your farm.
- Perform 10 helpful actions on Neighbor farms.
- Make 2 Apple Red Cabbage. (OTHERS will have)
- Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Cave Exploring jobs.
- Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Foraging jobs.
- Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Pearl Diving jobs.
40 xp
400 coins
After the Storm Quests 4: Farmville 2 Slippery When Wet
- Collect 5 Sleigh Shovel to clear the winter mess.
- Harvest 20 Sunflower to brighten up the farm.
- Make 4 Cornbread.
45 xp
450 coins
After the Storm Quests 5: Farmville 2 All Whinny-nilly
- Tend your Horse Stable 2 times.
- Harvest 30 Red Cabbage.
- Make 2 Braised Red Cabbage.
50 xp
550 coins
After the Storm Quests 6: Farmville 2 Appeel for Mercy
- Feed 4 Adult Pig.
- Fertilize 20 Onion.
- Make 2 Bag of Vegetable Peels.
70 xp
650 coins
After the Storm Quests 7: Farmville 2 Blowin’ in the Wind
- Collect 5 Windbreaker.
- Harvest 2 Fig Tree.
- Make 5 Fig Cake. You deserve a treat! (OTHERS will)
- Go Fishing 5 times.
90 xp
900 coins
After the Storm Quests 8: Farmville 2 I Concur, We Need Fur!
- Tend your Rabbit Warren 2 times.
- Feed 4 Adult Sheep.
- Make 2 Horse Blanket for your animals.
120 xp
1100 coins
Just a reminder that we recipe guide for Kitchen HERE and for Workshop HERE.