Help Barbara organize a friendly competition of painting in Farmville 2 Composition Competition Quests. She is amazed on how much interest the kids has given in learning how to paint. That is why she decided to give them something to work for in this Farmville 2 Quests.
Just a reminder that on stage you will “Flask” in making Plain Soap. Brown Feather can be obtain from tending adult ducks, pheasants or turkeys while Soft Bristle will be available once you have an Art Supply Bench.
Composition Competition Quests 1: Farmville 2 Challenge Accepted!
- Have Art Supplies Bench.
- Feed 3 Adult Mini Donkey.
- Water 15 Stargazer Lily.
30 xp
300 coins
Composition Competition Quests 2: Farmville 2 It Ain’t Art without Paint!
- Get 5 Paint Tube.
- Harvest 20 Wheat.
- Make 4 Feather Duster.
40 xp
400 coins
Composition Competition Quests 3: Farmville 2 A Lot of Love in a Little Package
- Fertilize 20 Broccoli.
- Feed 3 Adult Pig.
- Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Foraging job.
50 xp
500 coins
Composition Competition Quests 4: Farmville 2 Drawing Along the Lines
- Get 5 Stencil Pack.
- Feed 5 Adult Cow.
- Make 3 Wool Pouch.
60 xp
600 coins
Composition Competition Quests 5: Farmville 2 Art Nouveau
- Make 2 Soft Bristle.
- Harvest 20 Stargazer Lily.
- Make 2 Stargazer Lily Soap.
70 xp
700 coins
Composition Competition Quests 6: Farmville 2 Problems, Problems!
- Collect 3 Round Brush.
- Make 3 White Lily Bouquet.
- Make 3 Porcelain Mug.
80 xp
800 coins
Composition Competition Quests 7: Farmville 2 No Time to Get Board!
- Collect 5 Art Board.
- Make 5 Strawberry Yogurt.
- Go Fishing 5 times.
90 xp
900 coins
Composition Competition Quests 8: Farmville 2 Cleaning the Slate
- Tend your Horse Stable 2 times.
- Gather 15 Brown Feather.
- Make 3 Plain Soap.
110 xp
1100 coins
In case you will need a Kitchen Recipe guide, we have one HERE.
And for the Workshop Recipe, we have one HERE.
i want to know how long will it take for me to get the state fair and the new upgrades…this upsets me for i have more than met the requirements for the fair..