Help Marie in training her little ram to be more domesticated in Farmville 2 Farma-Ram-a Quests. Marie is worried that her ram looks a little bit angry. She will ask us if we could help her train her ram in this Farmville 2 Quests. This mission will be released on Tuesday (Nov 8th).
Farma-Ram-a Quests 1: Farmville 2 A-ram-a Therapy
- Place a Wreath Maker.
- Feed 3 Adult Pig.
- Fertilize 15 Rabbit Ear Iris.
35 xp
350 coins
Farma-Ram-a Quests 2: Farmville 2 Letting off Steam
- Collect 5 Punching Bag.
- Harvest 20 Onion.
- Make 3 Black Feather Cushion.
45 xp
450 coins
Farma-Ram-a Quests 3: Farmville 2 Alpac-ya Lunch
- Fertilize 20 Sunflower.
- Feed 4 Adult Alpaca.
- Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Cave Exploring job.
55 xp
550 coins
Farma-Ram-a Quests 4: Farmville 2 Star of the Show
- Collect 5 Christmas Tree Star for my tree.
- Feed 5 Adult Mini Goat.
- Make 5 Apple Raisin Cake. They’re delicious!
65 xp
650 coins
Farma-Ram-a Quests 5: Farmville 2 Making Amends
- Make 2 Felt Wool.
- Harvest 20 Rabbit Ear Iris for the vase.
- Make 3 Rabbit Ear Iris Boat for Ms. Robinson.
75 xp
750 coins
Farma-Ram-a Quests 6: Farmville 2 Proper Prep
- Make 3 Wreath of Joy.
- Make 4 Blueberry Cheesecake.
- Make 3 Milk Cake to munch on!
85 xp
850 coins
Farma-Ram-a Quests 7: Farmville 2 Spray Away!
- Collect 5 Spray Nozzle, for a jet of water!
- Make 5 Soap Dish to hold the soap!
- Go Fishing 5 times.
95 xp
950 coins
Farma-Ram-a Quests 8: Farmville 2 Good Baaah-ye!
- Tend your Spinning Wheels 2 times.
- Gather 20 Lemon.
- Make 3 Zag Rug, for the ram to sleep on.
115 xp
1150 coins
In case will need a guide for the Kitchen Recipes, w have one HERE.
And for the Workshop Recipes, you can find a guide HERE.