Farmville 2 Festive Bakehouse is a new feature that will be added to the game this December. Prepare to create festive cakes for your friends and neighbors. Craft these cakes in your Festive Bakehouse then invite your friends to come over. They once they visited your farm, they will leave greeting cards which can then exchange for exclusive rewards. The Festive Bakeshop will start rolling this November 29.
Place the Festive Bakehouse in your farm.
Gather the following parts to build the Festive Bakehouse.
Ask your friends for ehlp witht he following materials to build the Festive Bakehouse.
Holly-Day Tinsel
Oven Logs
Oven Door
A completed Festive Bakehouse.
Click the Festive Bakehouse to access it.
The goal of the Festive Bakehouse is to collect GREETING CARDS by crafting 3 recipes:
Flaming Pudding
Yule Log
Cranberry Burndt Cake
Greeting Cards
Festive Arch
Festive Post
Festive Fence
Baby Red New Zealand Rabbit
Adult Red New Zealand Rabbit
Here are some the images that are associated with this feature: