Farmville 2 Flaming Torch and More!

Farmville 2 Flaming Torch is the newest limited time crop that will be added this August. You can plant, harvest and master this new crop up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees including the Spotted Tamworth Pig, Chestnut Holsteiner Horse, Ongole Mini Cow, Ansu Apricot and more. These new items will be available at the General Store on August 14th.

Flaming Torch


Flaming Torch

Flaming Torch



Spotted Tamworth Pig

Spotted Tamworth Pig


Chestnut Holsteiner Horse


Pewter Guineafowl

Pewter Guineafowl


Ongole Mini Cow



Leopardwood Tree

Leopardwood Tree


Flame of the Forest

Flame of the Forest


Ansu Apricot

Ansu Apricot



  1. Flame of the Forest Balm
  2. Flaming Torch Brooch
  3. Ansu Apricot Chutney
  4. Flame of the Forest Earrings
  5. Ansu Apricot Muffin
  6. Flaming Torch Suncatcher

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