Celebrate summer fun with Marie in Farmville 2 Fun in the Sun Quests. Marie is planning to set up a Mini Donkey See Saw so that the kids can see what the Mini Donkey can really do in this Farmville 2 Quests. She assures that the kids will have fun as they hang around with their new friends.
We are going to need our Yogurt Creamery on this quest. Watch out also for the last quests or stage 8, this may confuse you because the picture in the task is a Strawberry Ice Cream, but the tasks says Strawberry Angel Food Cake, so in case the Strawberry Angel Food Cake won’t count, try making Strawberry Ice Cream. The quest will start July 21 (Tuesday).
Fun in the Sun Quests 1: Farmville 2 Donkey-ing Around
- Have a Mini Donkey See Saw, to get Moby ready.
- Feed 4 Adult Goat.
- Water 15 Galia Cantaloupe.
30 xp
300 coins
Fun in the Sun Quests 2: Farmville 2 Keep Your Ice Open
- Collect 5 Igloo Ice Mould, to make fun shapes!
- Feed 4 Adult Pig.
- Make 3 Apple Juice, to serve the kids.
40 xp
400 coins
Fun in the Sun Quests 3: Farmville 2 Mule is the Word
- Use 3 Farm Hand.
- Perform 10 helpful actions on Neighbor farms.
- Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Pearl Diving job.
50 xp
500 coins
Fun in the Sun Quests 4: Farmville 2 The Birds and the Seeds
- Collect 5 Popsicle Stick Birdhouse.
- Harvest 20 Sunflower.
- Make 4 Corn Meal, to feed birds.
60 xp
600 coins
Fun in the Sun Quests 5: Farmville 2 All Animals Are Equal
- Tend your Duck House 2 times.
- Feed 4 Adult Sheep.
- Make 3 Bread.
70 xp
700 coins
Fun in the Sun Quests 6: Farmville 2 Cooking up a Treat
- Feed 4 Adult Rabbit.
- Harvest 20 Galia Cantaloupe.
- Make 3 Galia Cantaloupe Cappuccino.
80 xp
800 coins
Fun in the Sun Quests 7: Farmville 2 I, Row Boat
- Collect 5 Paper Boat.
- Harvest 4 Lemon Tree.
- Go Fishing 5 times.
90 xp
900 coins
Fun in the Sun Quests 8: Farmville 2 Thank You Berry Much
- Tend your Yogurt Creamery 2 times.
- Fertilize 30 Strawberry.
- Make 3 Strawberry Angel Food Cake.
100 xp
1100 coins
In case you will need a Kitchen Recipe Guide, we have one HERE.
And for the Workshop Recipes, you can find it HERE.
Do you know if this is only going to people who are on certain levels?