Help Walter prepare a speech for the FarmVillathon in Farmville 2 Lend Me Your Ears Quests. He is a little bit jittery on the forth coming event that he can’t cleat his mind to prepare a speech. He feels that he is out of practice. Let help him in this Farmville 2 Quest which will roll out this Tuesday (April 25th).
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 1: Farmville 2 A Figure Of Speech!
- Harvest 15 Wheat.
- Feed 4 Adult Goat.
- Water 15 Monk Fruit.
30 xp
350 coins
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 2: Farmville 2 Putting Things in Order!
- Get 5 Event Schedule.
- Fertilize 20 Tomato.
- Make 4 Monk Fruit Sugar Cookies.
40 xp
450 coins
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 3: Farmville 2 RSVP!
- Perform 10 helpful actions on Neighbor farms.
- Harvest 4 Pecan Tree.
- Have your sweetie or kids do 1 Pearl Diving job.
50 xp
550 coins
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 4: Farmville 2 Talking The Talk!
- Get 5 Sports Dictionary.
- Feed 5 Adult Cow.
- Make 4 Honey Fig Custard.
60 xp
650 coins
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 5: Farmville 2 All In Good Time!
- Collect 25 Rope.
- Feed 8 Adult Horse.
- Make 3 Hourglass.
70 xp
750 coins
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 6: Farmville 2 Brownie-In-Motion!
- Harvest 25 Monk Fruit.
- Make 3 Monk Fruit Brownie.
- Make 5 Milk Cake.
80 xp
850 coins
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 7: Farmville 2 A Frog In My Throat!
- Collect 5 Soothing Throat Syrup.
- Feed 4 Adult Rabbit.
- Go Fishing 5 times.
90 xp
950 coins
Lend Me Your Ears Quests 8: Farmville 2 Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall…
- Tend your Fertilizer Bin 2 times.
- Harvest 5 Olive Tree.
- Make 4 Embroidered Leather Mirror.
110 xp
1150 coins
In case you will need a guide for the Kitchen Recipes, we have one HERE.
You can also find a guide for the Workshop Recipes HERE.
love farmvill2 but why don’t i get the gifts thats promised just asking i play it every day thank you