Farmville 2 Licorice and More!

Farmville 2 Licorice is the newest limited time crop that is scheduled for  released this September. You can plant, harvest and master this new crop up  to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees. Among these are the Brindled Brown Yak, Colville’s Glory Tree, Himalayan Tahr Goat, Grey Newfoundland Horse and more! Expect these new additions in your farm these September 4th.

Farmville 2 Licorice and More






Spotted Pearl-Grey Chinchilla


Himalayan Tahr Goat

Himalayan Tahr Goat


Grey Newfoundland Horse

Grey Newfoundland Horse


Brindled Brown Yak

Brindled Brown Yak



Colville’s Glory Tree


Okari Nut Tree

Okari Nut Tree


Davidson’s Plum Tree



  1. Okari Nut Biscotti
  2. Black Licorice Caramels
  3. Davidson Plum Panna Cotta
  4. Licorice Fudge
  5. Davidson Plum Jam
  6. Spicy Okari Nuts

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