Farmville 2 Peruvian Zinnia and More!

Farmville 2 Peruvian Zinnia is the newest crop thatwill be available on January 2017. You can plant, harvest and master the Peruvian Zinnia up to blue ribbon. Along with these release are a new batch of limited time animals and trees. Among them are the Sandy Jeju Pig, Gloucester Cow, Silver Teddy Bear Guinea Pig, Nepalese Alder Tree, Pride Of Burma Tree and more. Expect these these limited time item to become available on January 1st.



Peruvian Zinnia




Sandy Jeju Pig

Sandy Jeju Pig


Gloucester Cow

Gloucester Cow


Ardennes Horse

Ardennes Horse


Silver Teddy Bear Guinea Pig




Nepalese Alder Tree

Nepalese Alder Tree


Lucuma Tree


Pride Of Burma Flower Tree




  1. Lucuma Milkshake
  2. Lucuma Meringue Cake
  3. Zinnia Wall Hanging
  4. Zinnia Lantern
  5. Amherstia Diary
  6. Amherstia Tiara

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