Farmville 2 Pink Afrikander and More!

Check out the upcoming new items in Farmville 2 featuring a new crop Pink Afrikander which is a new limited time crop. You can plant, harvest and master this new cop up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees which includes Charcoal Tree, Silky Shower Tree, Cabbage Tree, Zhiwulin Goat, Lucerna Mini Cow and more. Expect these new Farmville 2 items to become available this Monday (Feb 25th).


Pink Afrikander



Zhiwulin Goat

Zhiwulin Goat


Silesian Mini Horse

Silesian Mini Horse


Giant Forest Hog


Lucerna Mini Cow

Lucerna Mini Cow



Cabbage Tree


Silky Shower Tree


Charcoal Tree



  1. Floral Jewelry Box
  2. Silky Panna Cotta
  3. Berry Baked Brie
  4. Pressed Flower Bookmark
  5. Floral Invite Cards
  6. Charcoal Earrings

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