Farmville 2 Prized Trees (Heirloom) Coming Soon!

Farmville 2 will soon be releasing a new feature where we will be having Prized Trees (or Heirloom) in our farm. This feature will make a regular trees into a Heirloom Trees on which can bear Heirloom Fruits. Upon the activation of this new feature in Farmville 2 the trees will have 3 transitional stages from Regular, Heirloom and Elder. There’s also a mini game that might come out along with this feature where players could win an Exclusive Long Grove.

Update: As of Oct 15, 2013 Zynga has announced that this feature is slowly rolling out the Farmville 2 Heirloom Trees feature and some players will be this and some may not. You may ask why, they said that due to the complexity of this feature players may have a hard time to cope up with it. But they said that they are planning to release slowly for this coming days and months. We only hope that they don’t release a quest that requires Heirloom items until they fully released this feature.




Long Grove                                                Tool Shed


Farmville 2 Heirloom Trees


Heirloom Trees


Farmville 2 Heirloom Trees


From what we gathered here are some information so far about the Heirloom Trees (Prized):

  •  You will need a Tool Shed in order to start pruning trees.


  • Prune Trees to make them Heirloom – use Pruning Spears to prune your trees. Pruned trees uses less water. <– Pruning Spears can be obtained by asking friends.


  • Use your Garden Shed to prune Apple and Orange Trees!


  •  Harvest heirloom trees for heirloom fruit!


  • Harvest the Heirloom Fruit to craft Cupcakes and other recipes!


  • Craft heirloom recipes for TWICE the coins & XP!


  • There will be a mini game where players will be making Heirloom Orange Apple Cupcakes to win Heirloom Trees. Collect all four to Win an Exclusive Long Grove!


  • Upon the release of this feature the trees will now have three transitional period. Regular, Heirloom and Elder.


  • Once the Trees turned into Elder, players will have the option to sell it in exchange for coins and Pruning Spears.


On a side note: this feature is currently unrelease from the day that this post was published and there’s still a chance that the feature will change.

Need help or suggestions?

5 thoughts on “Farmville 2 Prized Trees (Heirloom) Coming Soon!

  1. I refuse to pay to skip these because there is a glitch between the idea and implementation. Way to increase frustration and decrease fun!

  2. I think the new feature would be cool, however, the dev’s should have released the feature before having the grocer ask us to sell certain heirloom items.

  3. I KNEW the Dev’s would eventually do something more involved with the trees -something to make the basic crop trees that when we get to a high level we never harvest unless for a mission -worth watering and harvesting again. cant wait for this new feature!

  4. The grocer wanted heirloom pecans a few days order. Even though I had lots of pecans, I couldn’t fill this order. Thanks for explaining.

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