Farmville 2 Sea Buckthorns and More!

Farmville 2 Sea Buckthorns is the newest crop to added soon in the game. It will be available for a limited time so grab the chance to master it up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of limited edition animals and trees. Among them are Barbu d’Anversm, Burro Donkey, American Shetland Pony, American Chestnut, Santa Rosa Plum and more! They will start appearing an the General Store on March 28.

Sea Buckthorns


Sea Buckthorns

Sea Buckthorns



Barbu d’Anvers

Barbu d’Anvers


Burro Donkey

Burro Donkey


American Shetland Pony

American Shetland Pony


African Sideneck Turtle

African Sideneck Turtle




American Chestnut

American Chestnut





Santa Rosa Plum

Santa Rosa Plum

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