Farmville 2 Smoothie Bar Recipes

Find out what new recipes we will be crafting in Farmville 2 Smoothie Bar. We have gathered the information about this feature and we learned that there will be recipes that we will be crafting in order to have a smoothie party. Below are the lists of recipes and it’s ingredients. Prepare them ahead for this Tuesday (June 16th) released of the Smoothie Bar.

Smoothie Bar Recipes

Apple Fizz = Apple x8 and Soda Siphon x2

Apple FizzSoda Siphon



Orange Soda = Orange x8 and Soda Siphon x2

Orange SodaOrangeSoda Siphon



Pumpkin Puree = Pumpkin x8 and Hand Blender x2

Pumpkin PureePumpkinHand Blender



Blueberry Extract = Blueberries x10 and Stone Mortar x3

Blueberry ExtractBlueberryStone Mortar


Cranberry Extract = Cranberry x10 and Stone Mortar x3

Cranberry ExtractCranberryStone Mortar



Protein Spritzer = Egg x8 and Soda Siphon x2

Protein SpritzerEggSoda Siphon



Frothy Milk = Milk x8 and Hand Blender x2

Frothy MilkMilkHand Blender



Strawberry Syrup = Strawberry x6 and Sugar x3

Strawberry SyrupStrawberrySugar



Smoothie Sign = Pice of Wood x10 and Wood Engraver x3

Smoothie SignPiece of woodWood Engraver



“Post” or “Ask” for these items:

Soda Siphon

Soda Siphon

Hand Blender

Hand Blender

Stone Mortar

Stone Mortar

Wood Engraver

Wood Engraver

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