Farmville 2 Sweetleaf and More!

Farmville 2 Sweet Leaf crop will be added soon in to the for a limited time only. Players can start planting and harvesting Sweet Leaf starting December 14. Along with this release are some new animals and trees. Among the animals that will be available are Skewbald Mini Donkey, Marble Striped Suri Alpaca, Wuzhishan Pig and more….

Sweeten things up with some Sweetleaf!






Skewbald Mini Donkey

Skewbald Mini Donkey


Marble Striped Suri Alpaca

Marble Striped Suri Alpaca


Wuzhishan Pig

Wuzhishan Pig


Black and White Huacaya Alpaca

Black and White Huacaya Alpaca




Quaking Aspen Tree

Quaking Aspen Tree


Oleander Tree Fruit

Oleander Tree Fruit


Minneola Tangelo Tree

Minneola Tangelo Tree

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