Tour Napa Valley on your own Farmvile 2 Farm with Napa Wineries, Toggenburg Goat, Chardonnay Grapes, and more! Available for a Limited Time! This is a preview of what’s coming for the next release of limited edition items. There a total of 3 new Trees, 1 Crop, 4 new animals and decorations. The Napa Valley items will be available next week.
Chardonnay Grapes
Patterson Apricot Tree
Cork Oak Tree
Common Manzanita Tree
Toggenburg Goat
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Chicken
Lusitano Horse
American Britannia Petite Rabbit
Buildings and Decorations:
Stone Entrance Pillars | Stone Entrance Pillars | Stone Wall Planter |
Geyser | Cheese and Vino Picnic | |
Dark Wood Trim Napa Winery | Classic Napa Winery | Blue Trim Napa Winery |