Farmville 2 Gramophone Bench

Farmville 2 Gramophone Bench will be added soon in our farm this November. This new feature will allow us to build a Gramophone Bench with the help from our friends. Once you completed building the Gramophone Bench, you will then host up to 5 Dance Lessons and win rewards which includes an exclusive Spotted Wooly Mini Donkey.

Gramophone Bench

Gramophone Bench

Gramophone Bench


Barbara will visit your farm to explain this new feature.

Build the Gramophone Bench


At first, you will need to build the Gramophone Bench.

Gramophone Bench


Build your Gramophone Bench to win Spotted Wooly Mini Donkey.

Build your Gramophone Bench


Collect building parts from your friends to build the Gramophone Bench:



Dancing Couple

Dancing Couple

Gramophone Cranks

Gramophone Cranks



Here’s a look at a completed Gramophone Bench.

Completed Gramophone Bench


Here’s the reward for completing the Gramophone Bench:

Spotted Wooly Mini Donkey

Spotted Wooly Mini Donkey

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