The Farmville 2 Butterfly House was released along side with the with Butterfly Effect quests. The Butterfly house once completed will offer 4 possible redeemable prizes plus a bonus prize. You can redeem these by exchanging butterflies in the Butterfly House. Now you can collect butterflies by clicking on friends feed, harvesting trees and even crafting some lures.
The Butterfly House Menu will have the following options:
1. You can see the numbers of Butterflies you currently have.
2. Post to your friends for some “Nets”.
3. The “Catch” button.
4. Items that can be redeem in exchange for the butterflies you caught.
There are several ways to catch and collect butterflies:
1. By a chance you can get Butterflies by harvesting “Trees” (in a Grove or not).
2. By Crafting in the Workshop, you may collect the parts by asking it from friend.
Exchange the “Butterflies” you have for these items:
- Butterfly Flower Pot = 13 Butterflies
- Butterfly Chair = 28 Butterflies
- Purple Lilac Tree = 53 Butterflies
- Butterfly Terrarium = 94 Butterflies
Once you collect all 4 items a cut scene will show the horse being lured to your farm and then you will receive Baby Black Clydesdale.