It looks like we will having another Farmville 2 Free Water Day. Yes it will be scheduled on September 2, 2014 at around 12:01 am PDT. During this day your wells and water towers are overflowing and just like the previous one it can be harvested all day for water!
Update: It looks the date will be moved for the FREE Water Day but this time it will have great theme. There’s no specific date yet but it will raised funds for the We have here the latest image for the event.
So mark this date in your calendar and share this news with your friends. Share in our comment section on what crops are you planning to harvest during this day.
HERE is the latest image for the FREE Water Day.
still no free water
Ook al moet ik werken, ga der s avonds wel van profiteren…
I’ll plant bunches of the 1 & 2 minute crops, as well as craft items that require water.
All fruits requires 2 minutes to harvest
mainly quickies berries,corn tomatos turnips
The quick crops 😀
mainly quickies – corn, berries, turnips etc
i work during the week….want one on the weekend too please
I agree – a weekend day would be wonderful. I could settle for a weekday if it weren’t the first week of the month. These are ALWAYS the first week of the month – not possible for me to even take a vacation day.
glæder mig til 2 september
Tutto quello che serve.
pomodoro , mais ecc.
tutte le culture corte, pomodori, mais, rapanelli, ecc…ecc…
tutto quello che è da poco se posso tipo pomodoro mais etc….
semina di mais,pomodori,more e coltivazioni con crescita rapida!
tanta acqua non basta mai
mais, pomodori, mirtilli!!!! 🙂
alberi,asparagi e altro
mais pomodori mirtilli rape………
mi piace…………….
corn and tomatoes blueberries
va bene pomodori, mirtilli, mais di tutto
vi sono grata
siiii mi piace
coltiverò mais,mirtilli,pomodori,more e rape!!
per me va benissimo
benissimo…….le culture che coltiverò saranno quelle richieste nelle missioni della giornata….
parteciperò, grazie!!
la voglio!! grazieeee