Farmville 2 Tea Brewing Bar Recipes

Farmville 2 Brewing Tea is coming next and we got you covered with this guide on the recipes that we will be crafting. Yes, Brewing Tea feature will involved several recipes and tea pots. This may remind you of the Jam Jamboree Shelf that we had last year. There will be several stations for us to make teas. Don’t forget to prepare the ingredients ahead.

Brewing Tea Recipes


CranberryTapioca Pearls

Bubble Tea = Cranberry  6 + Tapioca Pearls x3


Cardamom ChaiMilkCardamom

Cardamom Chai = Milk x8 +Cardamom x3



Citrus TeaLemonOrange

Citrus Tea = Lemon x12 +  Orange x12


Heirloom Citrus Tea

Heirloom Citrus Tea = Heirloom Lemon x12 + Heirloom Orange x12


Cranberry ChaiCranberryMilk

Cranberry Chai = Cranberry x10 + Milk x8



Frui-tea = Apple x8 + Mango x8


Heirloom Frui-tea

Heirloom Frui-tea = Heirloom Apple x8 + Heirloom Mango x8


Horchata TeaRiceMilk

Horchata Tea = Rice x6 + Milk x8


Berry Infusion TeaBlueberryBlueberry

Berry Infusion Tea = Blueberries x8 + Blueberries x8


Floral Infusion TeaWhite Pompom Mums FlowerWhite Pompom Mums Flower

Floral Infusion Tea = White Pompom Mums Flower x5 + White Pompom Mums Flower x5



Lemon TeaLemonLemon

Lemon Tea = Lemon x10 + Lemon x10


Heirloom Lemon Tea

Heirloom Lemon Tea = Heirloom Lemon Tea x10 + Heirloom Lemon Tea x10


Peach TeaPeachPeach

Peach Tea = Peach x8 + Peach x8


Heirloom Peach Tea

Heirloom Peach Tea = Heirloom Peach x8 + Heirloom Peach x8


Roasted Grain TeaWheatWheat

Roasted Grain Tea = Wheat x8 + Wheat x8


Strawberry TeaStrawberryStrawberry

Strawberry Tea = Strawberry x10 + Strawberry x10


Tea-ramisuMilkLight Cream

Tea-ramisu = Milk x8 + Light Cream x3



Items that will be asked or posted:

Light Cream

Light Creams



Tapioca Pearls

Tapioca Pearls

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