Goat Cheesery Preview in Farmville 2

A new feature will be rolled out this Tuesday as Marie will introduced the Farmville 2 Goat Cheesery. It will be a feature where players nee d to collect Artisan Goat Cheese and used it to make Gourmet Cheese. There will be 3 types of Gourmet Cheese to make and if you make enough Gourmet Cheese, Marie will give a Baby Muscovi Duck as a reward.

 Goat Cheesery

Goat Cheesery

The Farmville 2 Goat Cheesery will be introduced by Marie. She will explains if we collected enough Artisan Goat Cheese she will give a Baby Muscovy Duck as a reward.


Goat Cheesery

After Marie’s introduction, we will now have a chance to start building the Goat Cheesery.


Goar Cheesery Materials

As we can see from this picture, we will need 10 of each following materials Churning Vats, Goat Cheese Cloths and Cheese Paddles.


A complete Goat Cheesery

Once we collected the necessary materials. We can now finally complete the Goat Cheesery.

Before we can use the Goat Cheesery, first it will need adult goats in your farm. It must meet the required n8mber of adult goat before you can use it. If you have enough adult goat you can now start churn Gourmet Cheeses with Artisan Goat Cheese at the Goat Cheesery.


These are the 3 type of Gourmet Cheese:

Tomme de Chevre Aydius

Tomme de Chevre Aydius





Bleu du Bocage

Bleu du Bocage


You can also craft the Artisan Goat Cheese:

Artisan Goat Cheese



Baby Muscovy Duck

Muscovy Duck

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