Farmville 2 Love in a Mist flower and More!

Farmville 2 Love in a Mist flower is the newest limited time crop that will be added in the game this May. Plant, harvest and master this new crop up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees. Among them are Uzbek Black Goat, Icelandic White Mini […]
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Farmville 2 Malabar Spinach and More!

Farmville 2 Malabar Spinach is the newest limited timeĀ  crop that will be added int he game this April. Waatch out for this new crop where you can plant, harvest and master it up to blue ribbon. also included on this release are a new batch of limited edition animals and trees which includes Coralbean […]
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Farmville 2 Monk Fruit and More!

Farmville 2 Monk Fruit is the newest limited time crop which will be added in the game this April. Plant harvest and master this new crop up to blue ribbon mastery. Also included on this release are a new batch of limited edition trees and animals. Among them are Evodia Tree, Coachwood Tree, Bosnian Mountain […]
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Farmville 2 Red Velvet Yarrow and More!

Farmville 2 Red Velvet Yarrow are the newest limited time crop that will be added in the game this April. You can plant, harvest and master this new crop up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees which includes Asian Hairy-Nosed Otter, Black Faroe Pony, Fried […]
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Farmville 2 Rouge Vif d’Estampes Pumpkin and More

Farmville 2 Rouge Vif d’Estampes Pumpkin is the newest limited time crop that will be added in the game this April. get a chance to pane, harvest and master this new crop up to blue ribbon. Also includedd on this release are a new batch of animals and trees which includes Palo Santo Tree, Western […]
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