Farmville 2 Heart And Home Quests

Help Barbara and Percy in the new Farmville 2 Heart and Home Quests that will be out on Tuesday, January 6, 2015. Walter and Barbara decided to adopt Percy and to prepare for this, they will need all the help that they can get in order to make this a success. We will going to help them in this 8 part Farmville 2 Quests which includes crafting new recipes and harvesting a limited edition crops.

Just a reminder that some part of this quest may vary especially in quest 3 and quest 7 but we already listed the possible options that you may get so that you can prepare for it.


Farmville 2 Heart and Home Quests

Quests 1: Farmville 2 Chilly Child


Chilly Child

  • Water 20 Yellow Onion
  • Fertilize 10 Yellow Onion
  • Feed 2 Adult Rabbit, all that wool will help keep out the cold!


35 xp 300 coins


Quests 2: Farmville 2 Kitchen Mission


Kitchen Mission

  • Collect 5 Small Apron to get Percy ready to bake.
  • Feed 4 Adult Chicken. Those eggs will come in handy.
  • Make 3 Cranberry Muffin.


40 xp 400 coins


Quests 3: Farmville 2 Snow Fortitude


Snow Fortitude

  • Use 3 Farm Hand and show off your Snow Fight Fort.
  • Perform 10 helpful actions on Neighbor farms.
  • Make 2 Yellow Onion Slaw for your visiting Farm Hands.  (others will….)
    • Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Cave Exploring job.
    • Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Foraging job.
    • Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Pearl Diving job.


45 xp 500 coins


Quests 4: Farmville 2 Toying With Different Ideas


4 Toying With Different Ideas

  • Get 5 Vintage Toy Car, both the men in my life will love it!
  • Harvest 20 Strawberry.
  • Make 1 Strawberry Scented Bag to keep the B&B smelling sweet.


50 xp 600 coins


Quests 5: Farmville 2 Glad Rush


Glad Rush

  • Tend your Hen House 2 times.
  • Harvest 20 Yellow Onion.
  • Make 1 Caramelized Yellow Onion, I’m trying something new!


55 xp 700 coins


Quests 6: Farmville 2 In Crust We Trust?


In Crust We Trust

  • Feed 4 Adult Horse, horseshoes are lucky, and who doesn’t need a little luck?
  • Harvest 20 Wheat, we use this in a lot of recipes!
  • Make 4 Crustless Egg White Quiche.


60 xp 800 coins


Quests 7: Farmville 2 The Heat Of The Moment


The Heat Of The Moment

  • Collect 5 Salve Jar, for poor Percy’s fingers.
  • Harvest 4 Orange Tree.
  • Make 5 Orange Cupcake, a great use of that fruit!  (others will….)
    • Go Fishing 5 times.


65 xp 900 coins


Quests 8: Farmville 2 Crafty Business


Crafty Business

  • Tend your Sheep Shack 2 times.
  • Feed 4 Adult Horse, horseshoes sure come in handy.
  • Make 2 Hand Mirror for our B&B guests.


70 xp 1000 coins


In case you need to view the complete list of Kitchen Recipes, you can find it HERE.

and for the Workshop Recipes, you can see it HERE.

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