Check out the new Farmville 2 Monarch Rosemallow which is a new limited time crop that will be added in the game this November. You can plant, harvest and master this new crop up to blue ribbon. Also included on the release are a new batch of animals and trees. among them are the White […]
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Limited Edition Items
Farmville 2 Blue Bean and More!
Here’s a look at the Farmville 2 Blue Bean, a new limited time crop which will be added in the game this October. You may plant, harvest and master the Blue Bean crop up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees. Among those will be released […]
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Farmville 2 Brown Russian Cucumber and More!
Check out the new Farmville 2 Brown Russian Cucumber, a new limited time crop which will be added in the game this October. You can plant, harvest and master the Brown Russian Cucumber up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees. Among to be released are […]
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Farmville 2 Belladonna Lily and More!
Check out these new items featuring the Farmville 2 Belladonna Lily, a new limited time crop which will be added in the game this October. You may plant, harvest and master this new crop upĀ to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees plus new recipes for […]
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Farmville 2 African Arrowroot and More!
Check out the new Farmville 2 African Arrowroot limited time crop which will be released this September. You can plant the African Arrowroot, harvest and master it up to blue ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of limited edition trees and animals. Included on this release are Fringed Pagoda Tree, Hairy […]
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Farmville 2 Native Raspberry and More
Farmville 2 Native Raspberry is the latest limited time crop which will be added in the game this August. You may plant, harvest and master this new crop up to Blue Ribbon. Also included on this release are a new batch of animals and trees. Among the them are Tan Romagnolo Donkey, Silver Panda Ferret, […]
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